Skin Needing

Unlike other traditional Dermapen, Advanced Beautytech Laser Clinic uses medical grade EPN. EPN is the new generation of emerging technology with combining Dermapen, Automatic needling (Auto Microneedle Therapy System, Auto MTS) plus electroporation to effectively deliver a drug.

The electroporation applies a specific electric pulse; it creates a temporary pore in the skin cells. It delivers drug and skin product into your basal layer and dermis layer. Through this method, it is possible to administrate hyaluronic acid and collagen into the deep skin with the shortest time possible.

The Dermapen, Auto MTS

Micro-needling is a new way to make collagen. Micro-needling is based on the use of tiny needles to create microchannels (tiny holes) in the skin. This process stimulates your skin's natural ability to heal itself and, in the process, produces collagen and elastin.

Combining electroporation and AMTS, Advanced Beautytech’s EPN permits to effectively deliver a drug into different tissue depths within the face or scalp. By needling on the underlying skin tissue in shorter treatment times, it achieves a more effective drug delivery through electro stimulating micro-pores that provide less discomfort to the patient.

Treatments include:

  1. Clinical Indication.

  2. Hair regeneration.

  3. Improving surface scar & deep scar.

  4. Skin brightening.

  5. Skin firming.

  6. Pore contraction.

  7. Improving wrinkle.

To learn more about this, call us now or Book an appointment to secure free comprehensive consultation.



Phone: 03 9836 0505

327 Whitehorse Road Balwyn VIC 3101

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